La Mona Lisa, or Bonnie or comely Lisa, also implying Madonna, was married to a man named Giaconda, therefore she is also known, as is the painting as La Giaconda...meaning she, of husband Giaconda. La Giconda had an intellectual, and especially intimate relationship, though not sexual, with LEONARDO da Vinci. Leonardo (of) Vinci, the town! Da Vinci is neither the artist's first or last name. The two of them model and artist were bonded in a rare friendship which both understood, revered and would not abandon at any cost.
Mona Lisa's husband fully understanding this, allowed it. If ever he felt a jealousy it has not been recorded. At the finish of the painting, Giaconda, the husband allowed Leonardo to keep it. For he knew well, his wife would be back with him. There is rumor that Leonardo was homosexual, but more likely he was asexual. However, his IQ was close to 400 hundred...his only interests; intellectual. There must have been something exceptionally extraordinary in la Giaconda to have attracted Leonardo's artist's eye, as well as his extremely superior intellect, because for the very most he was not interested in people at all.
That may have been the reason for her enigmatic smile...a knowledge that the 2 of them, she and Leonardo, were the sole 2, aware of one of the most rare unfathomable BONDS 2 people can have during their lives with one another.
It is known that for years after the painting was completed, that Leonardo would carry under his arms his precious "Mona Lisa". As a personal reminder of something he never revealed to anyone else. He did this for 8 years.
To say that "who the hell was Mona Lisa" and that you know a lot of people who could have painted that portrait only shows what little understanding you have of the artist, the iconography of the painting and of the subject.
Such shallow remark based on ignorance only backfires on the one who makes it.
There could never be another Mona Lisa...there is only THE ONE!!!
Works of great exception as is this painting do not come to a termination of popularity...their immortality is just that, a kind of For-Ever-Ness
And if you think any number of people on the street who could easily reproduce could you possibly comment, on k how well, or no, it is guarded, or as you say protect it?
Wouldn't you have to have an understanding about what has you baffled of worth, within your appreciation, before you'd make any statement about ) (EVEN) its' protection?
What, are you ignorant, jealous, or Both?